Monday, September 3, 2012

Growing Up, Letting Go and Knowing Where To

     A word about the evil empire and then back to it.  Being strong with the force and being strong with oblivion are more alike than it might seem at first blush.  Both conditions cede control of the conscious will over to another power.  The Star Wars power was an unnamed state of being wherein one lets go the consciousness of self and becomes in tune with a benevolent force that exists both within and without the individual.  It at once makes the self and the universe richer, more complete.  Something in us longs for union with it and something in us resists.  The former is a complete mystery to me and because I need to name it I call it God.  The latter is also a mystery but is more familiar, it is self-absorption, self-destruction, the hubritic need to control the forces of the universe with our tiny little minds.
     We (I imagine most of us) see how foolish this is and yet we persist.  We cling to our will, trying to force the mysteries of the universe into an order dictated by the boundaries of our own beings.  It is difficult for us to accept that the order is not a part of us but that we are a part of it whether we will it or no.  We can be dragged to it: a trantrumatic child in a futile fight, or we can give ourselves over to it and achieve the bliss we long for.  Of course it is not this simple, though I wonder if it is for angels and saints.  I have fought the universe armed with whiskey and the like and lost again and again, learning nothing from my failures but anger.  I have set this anger on the world without me and failing there too have given up the fight, I have gone blank.
     Pogo said, "I have met the enemy, and it is us."  The evil empire is within, oblivion helps us to forget this for some moments though the crash is hard.  Back to the topic.
     My sister recently returned from her annual trip to the Berkshires where she swims in art.  She told me of a revelation (though she did not call it such, it was one to me).  She talked about working to let things go, saying something like she had been trying to gather and hold on when she should have been trying to jettison.  There is so much that we cling to, that clings to us, it keeps us earthbound.  My mother used to say, "Let go and let God."  Yes, but easier said than done.
     Some things stick with you.  Forty years ago or so Jimmy Toomey, who had been a smoker and a grand stoner and likely a pretty hard drinker in his day too, though I have no evidence of this last, told me he had stopped all of it.  I was amazed and impressed and wanted to know how he had done it.  He said, "It just fell away."  I figured there was more to it, I knew he had done Transcendental Meditation or something with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and I figured there was some sort of secret understanding he could not impart to the unenlightened so I let it go.
     Well obviously I did not let it go because here I am thinking of it still trying to understand.  My mother had a theory that we are bound to keep reliving experiences until we learn from them what we are meant to learn.  Mostly this was a way of explaining why the same bad shit (my word, not hers) kept happening to us.  She also said that we had a choice to learn the hard way or the easy way.  It was her opinion that I had chosen the former, she was right.
     The point of all this is that I have let drop the shield of booze I used in my battle with the universe and am feeling some discomfort at times now but am learning that the universe which I thought sought to buffet me is really seeking embrace.  Could this be the path to sweet oblivion?


  1. Please, continue.
    As life spins me round again, you have been on my mind. There is comfort in your searching and an awakening of an eagerness in me. Our separatecontinual parallel, constantly aching, journeys let me sigh and feel a sameness that helps.
    My days in California are filled with lots of sunshine. So much so, I ache for rain. My days are also full of happiness, Bryan's love, and strong hope for the future and the children I hope it brings.
    Don't know about this public comment thing, but if you put it out there, I thought I would honor you with balls enough to thank you.
    Please write more. And please write more plays. And then send them to me.

    Your devoted reader

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You inspire.
